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Organize Along Tutorial Week 6

Needlebook Tutorial

Guest Blogger: Lindsay Chieco

Every week, through the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along, we are hosting guest bloggers! These amazing creatives are sharing with you, a fun and simple tutorial that you can make, to help organize something in your creative space!

Join me and welcoming today's guest blogger Lindsay Chieco in celebration of the Bee Sew Inspired - Organize-Along!

You can learn more about Lindsay at the following links:

Instagram: @linzentart

Hello everybody! I’m excited to take part in the Organize Along with Jennifer of @Beesewinspired. I’m Lindsay Chieco (@linzentart on Instagram) and I’ve been sewing for about 9 years now, and organization is one thing I could definitely use more of in my life!! I am a Navy wife and mother of 3 children ages 13, 11, and 8, which as you can imagine makes organization a little difficult in all areas of life at the moment!

Today I’ll be sharing with you a tutorial to organize your needles. A little thing, but definitely

a helpful tool to have! For me I like to indulge in lots of crafts whether it be sewing, embroidery, knitting, or crocheting...all of which have their own needles to deal with. And I have been known to do a little hand sewing on the couch and lose my needle, only to have it pop up later in a painful way...oops!

Having a little needlebook helps keep your needles organized and close by! Let's get sewing!

What you need:

• (20) 1 1⁄2" squares of quilting cotton for the front (I used Quilt Fair by Tasha Noel. Her fabric

lines are perfect for fussy cutting!)

• (1) 4 1⁄2"x5 1⁄2” quilting cotton for backing (again, this is the perfect spot for a fun fussy cut!)

• (2) 4 1⁄2"x5 1⁄2" quilting cotton for lining

• (2) 4 1⁄2"x5 1⁄2" quilting cotton for pockets

• 81⁄2"x5 1⁄2" fusible fleece for front piece

• (2) 2 1⁄4"x5 1⁄2" medium weight fusible interfacing for pockets

• (2) 5 1⁄2" cotton ribbon for pockets

• 1 1⁄2"x30” double fold quilting cotton for binding

• (2) 6x4” pieces felt for pages

• 1 plastic snap

Let's Get Started:

1. Sew your 20 1 1⁄2" squares together in a 4x5 grid.