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Silent Night Panel SAL Week 2

Come explore the journey and promises of the Christmas Story, through the

Silent Night Fabric Collection.

Week 2: Adding Details & Making the Felt Dolls

This week is all about your creativity! Join me on the YouTube channel where we can inspire each other with ideas on how to embellish your felt dolls! What a great "take along" project of hand sewing embellishing as you are sitting at the beach, by the campfire, or just for the long summer nights!

Then learn how to give your Felt Dolls some structure to make them indestructible for years play!

SAL Video Week 2 - Adding Details & Making the Felt Dolls

NOTE: The EASY SEW INSTRUCTIONS are printed on directly on the panel and are provided for a NO-TURN easy solution and to stitch with children too! The Bag Turning Finishing Instructions are explained in the FREE download and on the Week 3 Video. Choose the Bag Option that works BEST for your own Bag Making skills!


Making the Felt Dolls (SAL Week 2)

1. Optional: Embellish the Felt Doll with any hand embroidery details or sewn on sequins or buttons. Be aware of age appropriateness for any embellishments you sew on.

2. Layer a Felt Doll, Craft Extra Firm Non-Woven Stabilizer and white craft felt RSO. Cut out the stabilizer and backing felt generously around each shape and pin

in place.

3. Using a white bobbin thread, and a matching top thread to the most prominent color on each Felt Doll, sew in the seam allowance with a shortened stitch length (1.5-2mm)

4. Trim the stabilizer and the backing felt to match the top printed Felt Doll outline with even, smooth scissor cuts. (Use a sharp, small pair of fabric scissors).

5. Repeat this step for all the Felt Doll Characters, Animals, and Accessories.


Download the Silent Night Panel Instructions HERE

The complete instructions for the Silent Night Felt Panels are a FREE download on the Bee Sew Inspired website HERE


Download the Silent Night Sew-Along Schedule